Adult Discipleship

Following Jesus (discipleship) is a growing experience and we should each be growing! As the gospel of Jesus Christ changes our hearts, it makes us into people who can form far more transparent, honest, intimate, and loving relationships with others. This transformation helps us deepen friendships, improve marriages, and strengthen families. The gospel also affects our public life, particularly how we pursue our vocations in the world and do our daily work.  We strive to respond faithfully to the call of Jesus to follow him above all else in this world.

Life Groups

Life Groups are the primary method for us to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. When Jesus first launched His ministry, He didn’t begin with a big crowd; He began His ministry with a handful of ordinary, often-faithless people. As they were going about their daily lives (fishing!), “Jesus called out to them, ‘Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!’” – Matthew 4:19

Head (To Know)
“Come, follow me” – A disciple follows Jesus. To be His disciples, we must recognize and accept who Jesus is, and place our lives under His authority. Even as we have questions, He leads and we obediently follow His teachings. Therefore, we study and invite God’s Word to penetrate deep into our thoughts.

Heart (To Grow)
“and I will show you” – A disciple is being changed by Jesus. God loves us just the way we are, but He loves us too much to leave us there. Jesus grew the disciples through His teachings (beliefs), yet the real work of life transformation happened through their change of hearts in authentic, transparent community. Therefore, we allow the Holy Spirit to transform our hearts through relationships rooted in Christian faith.

Hands (To Invite)

“how to fish for people” – A disciple is committed to the mission of Jesus. When we grow in Christ, we can’t help but care about what Jesus cares about… people. While Jesus cares about you and the people in your group, He also cares about those who are far from Him. Jesus created the church – you and me – as the primary way to reach those people through relational connections. Therefore, we create space for new people to experience Jesus through our Life Group… and we invite them to sit in the empty chair.

Our Life Groups offer the opportunity to dig deep to learn and practice the attributes of a growing disciple. We can authentically share our lives and invest in the spiritual growth of one another.  And sometimes life is just more bearable and even more fun when we are together!

              A life group at Faith Lutheran Church of McLean County attends a game night at Carriage Crossing   A Faith Lutheran Church Life Group poses in rows at Midwest Food Bank   3 Faith Lutheran Church of McLean County Life Group participants share a meal

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Acts 2:42-44

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Today in the Word

We invite you to grow through daily time in the Word. Moody Bible Institute makes it easy to access scripture and sound biblical teaching each day! You can read or listen to daily devotions from your computer or smart phone. There are also tools to track, print, and make notes in the devotions. Visit or download the Today in the Word app from your favorite app store!