I’m New

We are so glad that you are here! We welcome you whether you have long had a vibrant relationship with Jesus or are just beginning to ask who He is. It is our hope that you will find a place alongside us to connect and grow with the living God!

We are growing disciples of Jesus Christ who seek to grow other disciples. We grow through worship, prayer, serving, giving, learning, and investing in one another. You are invited! We strive to be a community where those who have questions and doubts are respected, and everyone is encouraged and stretched.

You might want to know:

We gather for worship at 9:30am each Sunday. Our current location is 1750 General Electric Road (Union Park), Bloomington, IL (View Map). Some people arrive early to help with set up and share in fellowship. Greeters, welcome table attendants, ushers and others are pleased to assist you! Memorial day through Labor day, weather permitting, we worship outside under the beautiful trees. Bring a lawn chair or blanket and choose a sunny or shaded spot.

We invite you to join in for an “Early 30” at 9:00am each Sunday to enjoy coffee, treats, and fellowship. We see this as a wonderful opportunity to rest, reframe, and grow in relationship with one another.

Worship is central to our community life together. We do our best to share the Gospel of Jesus in authentic and meaningful ways as we help worshipers honor, glorify and express their love to God. During worship, you’ll see people wearing whatever they are comfortable in – jeans, shorts, dresses, t-shirts, dress shirts… Many people bring a Bible (traditional book or electronic app). Our music truly runs the spectrum from hymns to contemporary. We take extra time for sharing God’s peace and connecting with one another.

Men and women enjoying fellowship at Faith Lutheran Church of McLean County     a group of men and women sharing fellowship prior to worship at Faith Lutheran Church of McLean County     Congregation of Faith Lutheran Church of McLean County gathering in chairs to worship. A cross and video screen are in the background

We think it is important for families to worship together! We welcome even the youngest to join in so that we can build intergenerational relationships. We’re committed to sharing the gospel and value investing in the spiritual growth of the next generation. We partner with parents and encourage them to take the leading role in teaching children and modeling how to be a growing disciple of Jesus.

During the academic year, we invite children to take part in Faithkids during a portion of our Sunday worship time. Opportunities for Youth to learn and grow are available during the week.    

We believe that Jesus is the only real and lasting hope for the world. The world is broken and only Jesus can heal and restore us. We are an independent congregation serving in association with Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC) which is not a denomination. LCMC is an association of congregations who are free in Christ, accountable to one another, and rooted in the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions. We’re all working together to fulfill Christ’s Great Commission to go and make disciples of all nations.