
We worship God with our whole lives. Giving to support the mission and ministries of our church is an important way that we can faithfully proclaim and reflect the generous nature of God.

Ways to Give


This secured web page allows you to make one time or recurring monetary gifts. You can give by Credit/Debit card or by ACH Bank Transfer.

If you have no preference, we suggest the ACH Bank Transfer option. The lower transaction fee allows more of your gift to be used for work in God’s kingdom. For an ACH Bank Transfer you’ll need to provide your bank routing number and checking account number – both can be found on the bottom left corner of your check.

You can choose the fund to which you would like to give. To give to more than one fund, click on “add gift to another fund“.

Cash and Checks

Checks may be placed in the offering box at the Welcome Table. Checks may also be mailed to:

Faith Lutheran Church of McLean County

1750 General Electric Road

Bloomington, IL 61704

Envelopes are available at the Welcome Table for cash gifts. Cash not in a marked envelope will be accepted as an anonymous gift.

Security Transfer

Faith can also accept gifts of securities. If you would like to make a gift via direct transfer, please email for more information.


Thrivent members can direct Thrivent Choice Dollars to Faith Lutheran Church of McLean County. Please visit the Thrivent Website for additional information.

Faith Lutheran Church of McLean County is registered with the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization, so your gifts may be tax deductible. Annual giving statements will be available.