
We are grateful that you’ve spent time learning and serving alongside us and that the Lord has nudged you to consider joining Faith Lutheran Church!

For those of you who might have grown up in the church and are familiar with “Membership”, at Faith Lutheran we call those who have made a commitment to the church “Partners”. We believe this term more accurately describes how we see our commitment to our faith community: we are responsible, collaborative, and always seeking ways that we can serve the church as we serve in the Kingdom of God. We take seriously our role as stewards of Christ’s church and we believe that we need each other in this calling the Lord has placed on our collective lives.

In 1 Corinthians 12, the Apostle Paul writes, “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone.” As followers of Jesus, we all have gifts to offer in service to the ministries of the church. If you decide to join Faith and become a Partner, we’d love to discover with you more about your gifts and how you might grow in your faith through sharing them.

The path to join Faith is threefold:

  1. Meet with Pastor Brian or one of our Council leaders to learn more about the congregation and have any of your questions answered. You can set up a time to meet during the week over a cup of coffee.
  2. Fill out the paperwork in a Partnership Folder; a Folder can be picked up from Pastor Brian or at the Welcome Table before or after Sunday worship and returned to either Pastor Brian or the Welcome Table.
  3. If you are currently a member of another congregation, we do ask that you request from that church a “letter of transfer” be sent to: Faith Lutheran Church, 1750 General Electric Road, Bloomington, IL 61704. If you are unsure how to attain a “letter of transfer” someone at the Welcome Table can assist you. If you are not currently a member of another congregation, then you can skip this step!

That’s It! We try to make it as simple as possible so that you can roll up your sleeves and begin exploring, growing, and serving among the disciples of Faith Lutheran Church. If you have any questions along the way, don’t hesitate to ask! You can email