Be with us to begin the reflective 2025 season of Lent. Join in for a time of worship and imposition of ashes on...
Are you in?
A 25-hour global broadcast gathering of Jesus-followers worldwide. Join in for any part of Friday, February 28 and...
Come and See!
YOU are invited to find your place to connect and grow whether you've had a long and vibrant relationship with Jesus...
8th Congregation Meeting
Be with us following worship on Sunday, January 26 for our 8th congregation meeting! We'll celebrate God's blessings...
EARLY 30 (minutes)!
Each Sunday, we look forward to seeing you at 9:00 am (30 minutes before worship) to enjoy coffee, treats, and...
Let's get together to worship the eternal God! On Sunday, January 5th beginning at 9:30 am, we'll start the new year...