A home as described by dictionary.com is a house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household. The place in which one’s domestic affections are centered. It can be a location based on a person’s job site. The principal or main location of a business with several branches, the home office. To, toward, or at home: go home/GPS. Deep; to the heart: The truth of the matter struck home. Of, relating to, or connected with one’s home or country: it’s good to be home. Many of us have called different dwelling places our home. These might include, as a couple listed above, mobile homes, RV’s, apartments, condominiums, houses, and vacation homes…even tents. Growing up I still remember living in the back of my Dad’s Radio & TV shop when he was just starting his business. That was our home! Home Sweet Home – an expression of pleasure or relief upon returning to one’s home, especially after an extended period away from it. In another definition: Home is where the heart is…a proverb, not biblical, centers around the idea that a home is not just the bricks and mortar, wood and drywall of a house or apartment. Rather, it is somewhere that is intimately tied to our emotions. So, for the sake of this world, a person’s home may be defined by what and whom they love and/or what a person loves can be described as their home. Then there’s “Home Alone” – the movie gives all the implications of what this might mean! Regarding Sports played in a ballpark, arena, or field, that is or is assumed to be the center of operations of a team (the home base): and can be advantageous because of its familiarity and support from fans.
Jesus’s version of home is described for us in John 14: My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. From fellowshipoftheminds.com: In those words is the promise from our Lord that our bodily death is not the end of all things, and that if we follow Him (“the way”) we will transcend death and be with Him for all eternity in our heavenly home! Another time, as recorded in Matthew 8:19-20: “Then a certain scribe came and said to Him, “Teacher, I will follow You wherever You go.” And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” The Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head. What exactly do these words mean? Who can say, ‘I have nowhere to lay my head?’ You can always find somewhere to lay down your head, even if you lie down in a public park. The Lord Jesus could always lie down in some places to rest His head, even if it is in the wilderness. But that is not the point of His statement. He is saying to the scribe, ‘If you want to follow Me, then this world cannot be your home. You have to realize that this world is not your home. You are just passing through this world.’ One might even say Jesus did not have a “My Pillow”, but 2000 years later the My Pillow man has Jesus!!
The Christian music group, “Mercy Me” sings of our ultimate home in kind of a ‘Revelationary’ way (Revelation 21). I can’t help but put a link here of their song, “Almost Home”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7WEYwZrrs4 It’s an encouraging song that reminds us that while we face trials on this earth, the blessings of our heavenly home are just around the corner. The lyrics of the chorus proclaim: Almost home, brother, it won’t be long. Soon all your burdens will be gone.
With all your strength, sister, run wild, run free. Hold up your head, keep pressing on. We are almost home, almost home, almost home, almost home! Perhaps someday soon at one of our Sunday worship gatherings, Jeff will lead us in singing this promise together? In the meantime, we can help comfort those who are in need of the compassion, favor, mercy and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ because we know where our home is! Amen!
Tom Anderson – Faith Partner