Devotional – Faith

Faith.  A small word with a huge impact. The dictionary defines it as: a strong belief in God, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.  A relationship with God depends on having the faith that God is who He says He is, and that He in fact raised Christ from the dead to give us eternal life. So the question begs, how does a person come to faith?  How does a person develop a strong belief in God, in the absence of proof?  God gives us the answer to this in scripture.

Hebrews 12:2 says, “We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.”  Clearly this passage tells us that faith begins with Christ, and it is through Christ that our faith is strengthened. Our faith is a gift from our Father. But how is this gift given to us?  Is it a sudden understanding that once gained, we just have, or is a continual process in which faith is strengthened throughout a person’s life? This may be different for others, but I know for me, not only did God initiate my faith, He continues to affirm it and grow it daily. While the dictionary may say my faith is without proof, God patiently and continually gives me very personal proof of who He is, and what He has done for me. This is what gives me comfort and hope in times of trial.

In the face of my very skeptical nature (Enneagram 6), God, who knows my every thought, lovingly reassures and reveals His nature to me.  He continually shows me that He is beside me and holds me through all circumstances.  When I am in the middle of a crisis and can’t seem to feel Him next to me, He reminds me to look back at His history with me.  It is in this history, I see all the times He was carrying me, and I didn’t even realize it. I see the times where I asked Him for something, but He had a better plan. I could tell you story after story of God’s presence in my life, but they would be my stories, my proof.  It is this very personal history with Him that gives me the faith I need to conquer even the toughest challenges.  It is this history with Him that tells me that even when things on earth are imperfect, His promise is perfect.

So if you, like me, have been struggling lately over our political climate, the unknowns about COVID19, or maybe something very personal to you, I encourage you to look back at all the times God has answered your prayers.  He is still here, walking with us as we navigate the unknowns.  In looking back, I can always see his hand in my life.  Our faith in this is what brings us hope, comforts us, and tells us that we are loved and promised something far greater than even we can imagine. I encourage you to look back and even journal the times when you can clearly see God’s hand in your life.  It will encourage in times where we face life’s uncertainties. It is God’s proof that He is always with us.

God, thank you for reminding me of your goodness and power in overcoming all obstacles.  Thank you for patiently offering me proof of exactly who you are, and what you have done for me. Thank you for your care here on earth, and your promise of a life everlasting. Amen

– Sue Nicklas


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