Devotional – Walking with Jesus

My routine of walking started several years ago after a very serious blood clot in my leg.  This was a very serious situation and conversation with my doctor at that time included words like mortality and death.  The walking was encouraged to promote healthy circulation and exercise to get me moving after being sedentary for quite some time.  Over the years, my walk has become so much more.  It is a time of conversation with God, prayer, peace, reflection, and exercise.  It is truly a walk of faith.  Last Sunday, I walked my four miles on my typical route.  My walk that day took me a very long time.  By the time I walked, the temperature was hot and ever since my bout with pneumonia, the heat is not my friend.  I had to stop in the shade several times to WAIT and allow my heart rate to get to a better place.  So, I walked…rested (STOOD SILENTLY) …walked…rested (STOOD SILENTLY) … for a very long time.  It was a test in perseverance and patience.  I guess I passed because I finished my four miles…NOT in record time.

Today, my devotional took me to Psalm 62, which was written by King David.  As I opened my Bible to Psalm 62, I immediately saw that I had almost the entire Psalm already highlighted.  What I noticed specifically today in my reading was the fact that THREE times in this Psalm, King David refers to the Lord as “my Rock”.  I also reflected on the fact that King David twice says, “I STAND SILENTLY before the Lord, WAITING for him to rescue me.”

Oh, there is one more thing about my walking route. When I walk my four miles, there is a stretch that is a gravel road.  For a bit, this gravel road is separated by a row of pines.  There is a clearing and then a spot where I always rest… STAND still… SILENTLY before the Lord.  This spot is next to a thorny locust tree and I reach up and hold a branch (always holding the same branch) … and pray.  My prayer consists of the same cries out to my Lord.  “This is the day the Lord has made.  I shall rejoice and be glad in it.  I trust you Lord.   I trust you Lord.  I trust you a Lord.  I am with you.  I am with you.  I am with you.  Follow me.  Follow me.  Follow me.  Help us Jesus.  Help us Jesus.  Help us Jesus.  His never-failing love protects me like the walls of a fort.  His never-failing love protects me like the walls of a fort.  His never-failing love protects me like the walls of a fort.” I always close with the Lord’s Prayer.

Why am I sharing this?  At this spot on the gravel road, I WAIT, I have always prayed by repeating in a set of THREE.  King David referred THREE times to the Lord as “my Rock” In this spot on the gravel road, I STAND STILL SILENTLY before the Lord.  At this spot on the gravel road, I WAIT for him to rescue me.  At this spot on the gravel road, I “Pour out your longings before him, for he can help.”  For at this spot…on the gravel road…” I STAND SILENTLY before the Lord, WAITING for him to rescue me.  For salvation comes from him alone.  Yes, he alone is my ROCK, my rescuer, defense and fortress-why then should I be tense with fear when troubles come?”

If you haven’t found your spot, I would encourage you to seek it.  When you find it, I think you’ll know because He is already there, just like us, WAITING … STANDING SILENTLY…always ready to continue to be your ROCK.  Amen.

Denise Ludwig