Holy Spirit

The Bible From 35,000 Feet – 2

The Bible From 35,000 Feet – 2

Pastor Brian Goke describes a Christophany–the very presence of God-as he physically and metaphorically wrestled with...

Joy to the World – 5

Joy to the World – 5

Pastor Brian Goke explains that God’s one true story, The Bible, helps us to understand our own story, purpose, and...

Joy to the World

Joy to the World

Pastor Brian Goke guides us through Luke’s meticulous record of events surrounding John the Baptist’s birth. Luke...

Blessed to be a Blessing (Peter)

Blessed to be a Blessing (Peter)

Pastor Chris Townsend recounts Peter’s words to the crowd in Jerusalem at Pentecost. Peter communicated the truth of...

Blessed to be a Blessing (Miriam)

Blessed to be a Blessing (Miriam)

Pastor Chris Townsend invites us to observe both Pentecost and Memorial Day, being thankful for the gift of the Holy...

Blessed to be a Blessing (Moses)

Blessed to be a Blessing (Moses)

Pastor Chris Townsend invites us to hear and listen to what the Holy Spirit is doing in and through the Word. Growing...