Pastor Chris Townsend recounts Peter’s words to the crowd in Jerusalem at Pentecost. Peter communicated the truth of...
Holy Spirit
Blessed to be a Blessing (Matthew)
Pastor Chris Townsend outlines some ways Matthew demonstrated his financial gifts as a tax collector. Jesus challenged...
Blessed to be a Blessing (Miriam)
Pastor Chris Townsend invites us to observe both Pentecost and Memorial Day, being thankful for the gift of the Holy...
Blessed to be a Blessing (Moses)
Pastor Chris Townsend invites us to hear and listen to what the Holy Spirit is doing in and through the Word. Growing...
Blessed to be a Blessing (Andrew)
Missionary Dan Hall reflects upon blessings and Andrew. We are blessed to first be a blessing to God! It is God’s...
Blessed to be a Blessing (Jonah)
Pastor Brian Goke teaches that as Jesus followers we are each called to ministry. In his love and grace, God calls us...
The Gospel of John 21:1-23
Pastor Brian Goke completes our 44 week sermon series through which we examined each chapter and verse of the Gospel...
The Gospel of John 16:1-15
Pastor Brian walks us through John 16:1-15 and Jesus’ description of the work of the Holy Spirit and his unique and...
The Gospel of John 15:12-17
Pastor Lori Bultemeier acknowledges that it can be challenging to love someone who we don’t like or to love someone...