Pastor Brian encourages us to stand on the promises of God! The disciples were assured that: the Holy Spirit teaches...
Pastor Brian Goke
The Gospel of John 14:1-24
Pastor Brian shares that John 14 contains an overview of God’s pursuit of relationship with his creation recorded...
The Gospel of John 13:31-38
Pastor Brian Goke shares that Jesus demonstrates a different kind of love. The world’s definition of love implies that...
The Gospel of John 12:20-50
Pastor Brian challenges us to spend time with God, wrestle through Jesus’ words in the scripture, and then go out to...
The Gospel of John 12:1-19
Pastor Brian Goke leads us through the various responses to Jesus recorded in John 12. Martha responds by serving,...
The Gospel of John 11:45-57
Pastor Brian leads us through John’s account of the shift from Jesus’ public ministry, which concludes with the...
The Gospel of John 11:1-46
We forget so easily. When we forget, be reminded! Pastor Brian reminds us that the raising of Lazarus is a picture of...
The Gospel of John 10:22-42
Pastor Brian asks the real question – to believe or not to believe? Doubt does not equate to unbelief. Doubt...
The Gospel of John 10:1-21
Pastor Brian shares that Jesus is THE good shepherd and we are his sheep. He is the only one to offer salvation! THE...