Pastor Brian leads us through John’s account of the shift from Jesus’ public ministry, which concludes with the...
Pastor Brian Goke
The Gospel of John 11:1-46
We forget so easily. When we forget, be reminded! Pastor Brian reminds us that the raising of Lazarus is a picture of...
The Gospel of John 10:22-42
Pastor Brian asks the real question – to believe or not to believe? Doubt does not equate to unbelief. Doubt...
The Gospel of John 10:1-21
Pastor Brian shares that Jesus is THE good shepherd and we are his sheep. He is the only one to offer salvation! THE...
The Gospel of John 9:1-41
Pastor Brian relates the personal encounter between Jesus and the man who had been born blind. God can work through...
The Gospel of John 8:31-59
Pastor Brian shares the context of Jesus’ words about the truth setting us free. We don’t merely need an academic...
The Gospel of John 8:12-30
Pastor Brian shares that the Pharisees studied the scripture, gave generously, served, and were committed to God. Yet,...
Gospel of John 7:25-53
Pastor Brian sets the scene for us of the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) in Jerusalem. The celebration includes a...
Resurrection Sunday
Pastor Brian adds two more gardens into the discussion of creation, destruction, and restoration. Following his...