Pastor Brian Goke challenges us with John’s letter that provided the early church with guidance for how to love others...
Response to the Gospel
Deuteronomy 10 – Renovaré
Pastor Brian Goke expounds upon Moses’ guidance for the people living in response to God’s love, rescue, and...
Blessed to be a Blessing (James)
Pastor Brian Goke concludes the Blessed to be a Blessing sermon series by examining the life of James, Jesus’ brother....
The Gospel of John 15:18-27
Pastor Brian shares that Jesus instructs us in our relationships with God, with one another, and with the world. We...
The Gospel of John 15:1-11
Pastor Brian Goke shares that for those who believe and trust in Jesus, salvation is secure. Jesus invites us to...
The Gospel of John 13:31-38
Pastor Brian Goke shares that Jesus demonstrates a different kind of love. The world’s definition of love implies that...
The Gospel of John 13:1-17
Kendall Oliver of Covenant Reformed Baptist Church in Decatur shares the familiar text in which Jesus gives us the...
The Gospel of John 12:1-19
Pastor Brian Goke leads us through the various responses to Jesus recorded in John 12. Martha responds by serving,...
The Gospel of John 11:45-57
Pastor Brian leads us through John’s account of the shift from Jesus’ public ministry, which concludes with the...