Pastor Brian Goke examines the tug of war between the old sinful nature and new spiritual nature in each of us. Even...
The Gospel of John 13:18-30
Jim Pitzer shares the details of Jesus’ last supper. Such details provide a great deal of information about God’s...
The Gospel of John 13:1-17
Kendall Oliver of Covenant Reformed Baptist Church in Decatur shares the familiar text in which Jesus gives us the...
The Gospel of John 8:31-59
Pastor Brian shares the context of Jesus’ words about the truth setting us free. We don’t merely need an academic...
The Gospel of John 8:12-30
Pastor Brian shares that the Pharisees studied the scripture, gave generously, served, and were committed to God. Yet,...
The Gospel of John 8:1-11
Jim Pitzer points out that we can be like the woman and the Pharisees discussing sin with Jesus. Often we think that...
The Gospel of John 1:35-51
John 1:35-51