Pastor Brian Goke examines the discussion among the resurrected Jesus and 2 disciples as they walked on the road to...
The Bible from 35,000 Feet – Matthew 4:19
Pastor Mark Messick encourages us to live into the mission of God - making disciples of Jesus. The Apostle Paul took...
The Bible from 35,000 Feet – Luke 9
Pastor Brian Goke recounts that in Caesarea Philippi, an area rife with temples to various gods, Jesus asked his...
Resurrection Sunday 2024
Pastor Brian Goke proclaims that Christ is risen! These days, when we choose a team we give our loyalty and expect...
Blueprint for a Healthy Church – 1
Pastor Brian Goke introduces Paul’s guidance for Titus to align gentile leaders in Crete so that they could...
Blessed to be a Blessing (Matthew)
Pastor Chris Townsend outlines some ways Matthew demonstrated his financial gifts as a tax collector. Jesus challenged...
Blessed to be a Blessing (Martha)
Pastor Chris Townsend shares that Martha’s management skills must have been solid to own a home in the first century...
Blessed to be a Blessing (Andrew)
Missionary Dan Hall reflects upon blessings and Andrew. We are blessed to first be a blessing to God! It is God’s...
The Gospel of John 21:1-23
Pastor Brian Goke completes our 44 week sermon series through which we examined each chapter and verse of the Gospel...