LCMC Pastor Julie Smith observes that it is in our nature to think of ourselves as the center of the universe. David...
gifts and talents
The Bible from 35,000 Feet – 2 Corinthians
Pastor Brian Goke discusses Paul’s encouragement for the church at Corinth to continue in their extraordinary...
Blessed to be a Blessing (James)
Pastor Brian Goke concludes the Blessed to be a Blessing sermon series by examining the life of James, Jesus’ brother....
Blessed to be a Blessing (Joseph)
Pastor Chris Townsend examines Joseph’s response when his brothers, who had sold him into slavery, were later in dire...
Blessed to be a Blessing (Lydia)
Pastor Chris Townsend recounts the way the Holy Spirit worked through Paul’s message and Lydia became a believer in...
Blessed to be a Blessing (David)
Pastor Chris Townsend reminds us that God chose David, a young shepherd from Bethlehem, to bring his artistic gifts to...
Blessed to be a Blessing (Thomas)
Pastor Chris Townsend points out that through a pattern of critical thinking (asking questions, searching for the...
Blessed to be a Blessing (Gideon)
John Petrillo, our “guest proclaimer”, notes that Gideon displayed some characteristics common among those who have...
Blessed to be a Blessing (Matthew)
Pastor Chris Townsend outlines some ways Matthew demonstrated his financial gifts as a tax collector. Jesus challenged...