LCMC Pastor Julie Smith observes that it is in our nature to think of ourselves as the center of the universe. David...
Romans 7 – Renovaré
Pastor Brian Goke examines the tug of war between the old sinful nature and new spiritual nature in each of us. Even...
1 Peter 4:1-6 – Renovaré
Pastor Brian Goke shares the message of Peter’s encouraging letter to the early persecuted church. In our culture of...
The Bible from 35,000 Feet – Romans
Jim Pitzer examines Paul’s letter, one of the most important theological essays, to the early church in Rome. The...
The Bible from 35,000 Feet – Matthew 5
Pastor Brian Goke asserts that God’s law provides clear boundaries for healthy relationship with God and healthy...
The Bible from 35,000 Feet – Mark
Pastor Brian Goke describes the intertestamental years: the temple’s been rebuilt, Jerusalem’s walls are repaired, and...
The Bible from 35,000 Feet – Zechariah
Pastor Brian Goke discusses Zechariah’s prophetic, messianic messages for the discouraged remnant who returned to...
The Bible from 35,000 Feet – Lamentations
Pastor Brian Goke notes that while humans like to focus on the thrill of victory and glory, Jeremiah’s words in...
The Bible from 35,000 Feet – Ezekiel / Baptism
Pastor Brian Goke warns that exile is the default human condition because sin separates us from God. Yet, God gives an...